Sunday, February 18, 2007

Seven Years Ago Today...

...Troy and I had our first date. At the time, he was living in Austin and I was in San Marcos. He showed up at my apartment door with a dozen yellow roses. We went to HEB to buy our groceries for dinner (chicken with pesto, pasta with alfredo sauce, salad, garlic bread and wine) and had a wonderful evening of delicious food and conversation. Little did we know we would end up engaged by the end of the year. Another cool fact is that Feb. 18 is the first day of Chinese New Year. God knew all along His plan for us. We have a kid(s) waiting for us in China!

1 comment:

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Troy & Amy,

I enjoyed reading your blog. You seem to be enjoying a very fulfilled life; plenty of moving around with kins and friends. You had a very romantic first date. You can cherish it for the rest of your life. I may be wrong, but are you planning to adopt a child in China or is it a foreign mission and the child/children are your flocks? You also have a passion for birds. Keep it up. By the way, may I humbly invite you to view my own blogs. I have 2- "Blessings" look for Mel Alarilla and "Random Thoughts", look for Mel Avila Alarilla. Thank you very much. God bless you more.

Mel Alarilla - "Blessings"
Mel Avila Alarilla- "Random Thoughts"
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