Friday, May 25, 2007

Garage Sale for China Babies

We had a garage sale last weekend to raise money for our adoption and earned $70! Two families on our street were also having garage sales which they advertised for and put out signs. We went ahead and took advantage of their efforts (which they were glad we did) and had a great time. It was very little work considering we didn't advertise or price our items. $70 is not a lot of money, but we didn't have too much stuff. Troy and I go through our house twice a year and get rid of stuff. The garage sale was an overall success! We got to talk with our neighbors and school people on international adoption!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thank You Boys...

...for honoring me this Mother's Day. I woke up this morning to my coffee already poured for me in my new favorite cup and a bag of gifts from Troy and Jack. To top it off, a lady at church this morning said, "This time next year will be different for you." I hope she is right! In the meantime, I continue to love and appreciate Jackson,"my kid in a fur coat" and pray for our little ones in China, whether they are born, still in their mother's womb, or not even conceived yet. I also pray for those mommies and daddies who had to abandon their little ones in China. I cannot even fathom what they must feel!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Today Is Our...

...fifth month of waiting in line for our child(ren). The CCAA has only made matches through Nov. 1, 2005, so we have a while. Please pray for us during this wait. Everyone asks, "How is the adoption going?" All we can say is we have a long wait ahead. This has been an interesting experience in educating the population in international adoption. Most people seem to think you fill out a bunch of papers and fly over to pick up your child. I wish it were that easy. We continue to tell people we have another year, but other sources will say 24-30 months from now. Anything is possible with God. I keep praying for a miracle! God's timing is perfect, so in the meantime we continue to do His work.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Yada Yada

Last year around Memorial Day, a friend turned me on to the Yada Yada Prayer Group series! I went to the library and found book #2 and fell in love with the series. Click here to find more information on the books! After finishing book #4 yesterday, I was left hanging and couldn't take it anymore! I went to Berean and they had book #5 on sale and I also ordered the Journal! In the back of book #4, it had a section on starting a Yada Yada group yourself. After reading the info with Troy, we looked at each other and said, "That is church!" We are in the process of starting a simple/house church network in our city and truly feel God led me to these books to learn from them in addition to all Troy has done! They are simple, real life books to read that you can pick up and put down at anytime!

Our Bird Sanctuary

On a previous post, I mentioned my new obsession...bird watching. We bought a finch and hummingbird feeder a couple of weeks ago and now have added two more feeders in addition to a bird bath that I critter broke. A critter also broke our shephards hook after several evenings of trying to eat out of one of the bird feeders, but that is O.K. We found a big, better and CHEAPER 4 hook shephards hook! We now have 3 feeders and 1 hook place for the birds to rest! In addition to this new hook, we planted shrubs/flowers to attract the birds and butterflies! What a difference it has made! We have seen a rainbow of finches, woodpeckers, the most beautiful cardinals and DUCKS!